Join Us

We are constantly seeking for talented, motivated individuals interested in participating in our current projects and/or bringing new ideas/projects related to our research lines.

  • Postdoctoral fellows. Prospective postdocs should provide CV, letter of intent describing research interests and previous experience, and two reference names.
  • Graduate students. PhD students should apply through a UW graduate program. Our lab is part of the MDTP, CMB and CMP graduate programs. Contact the PI directly if you are a student in one of these, or another UW graduate program, and are interested in rotating/joining the lab.
  • Undergraduate students. Provide a letter of intent describing your interest in research and previous experience (if applicable).

All inquiries about available positions should be addressed to Gustavo Caballero-Flores at

* People from underrepresented/underserved communities are especially encouraged to apply.